Roegner earns Society of CPAs award

SUMMIT COUNTY — State Sen. Kristina Roegner (R-District 27) and state Rep. Bill Roemer (R-District 38) recently each received the Outstanding Legislator Award from the Ohio Society of CPAs for their recent work to improve Ohio’s tax code and business climate during a presentation hosted by Copley Trustee Jim Schulte, CPA.

Pictured above, from left, are Barb Benton, vice president of government relations for the Ohio Society of CPAs; Roemer; Roegner; Greg Saul, director of tax policy for the Society; and Schulte.

According to her office, Roegner was the only state senator to receive this award in the last two years. She was the primary sponsor of tax conformity legislation enacted in March; of Senate Bill 97 on municipal income tax withholding refunds; and of Senate Bill 210, which would repeal Ohio’s marriage penalty. She also advocated for permanently excluding Workers’ Compensation dividends from commercial activities taxes, and she is now working on legislation to eliminate taxes on certain fees and to ensure companies are treated fairly on Business Income Deduction when a company is sold, her office noted.

Roegner’s district includes Bath, Boston, Copley, Fairlawn, Norton, Peninsula, Richfield and part of Cuyahoga Falls in the West Side Leader coverage area.


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